Alcohol, Teens
Summertime Teen Drinking
Teen drinking is a constant battle for parents, schools, and society. The damage alcohol does to their brains, short- and long-term, is devastating, and teens never seem to understand or care about the consequences. During the summer, teens have even more opportunities to harm themselves and potentially others by drinking. Find out more about summertime teenage drinking from Primo Prevention and what you can do to prevent it.
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Are E-Cigarettes & Vapor Smoke Safe? Not According to New Research
“E-cigarettes and vapes are safe,” is the biggest lie tobacco companies tell adults and teenagers today. In fact, the American College of Cardiology recently completed a study that linked electronic smoking devices to heart attacks, artery disease, and depression.
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Prom Night Dangers
From spiked drinks at the dance to crazy afterparties, prom night is one of the most dangerous nights for a teenager. Know the common pressures and risks teenagers face during prom weekend and set them up for success and a safe night out instead.
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Teenagers Vaping Marijuana
The popularity of vaping products among teens is at an all-time high. With the negative effects that come from the use of vaping products, vaping marijuana can be more dangerous than teenagers may realize.
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Common E-Cigarette Misconceptions
Addictions, Hard Drugs, Teens
Teen Opioid Abuse – How Your Kids are Getting a Hold of Opioids
The National Safety Council reported that more than 100 people die every day in the U.S. from opioid drugs. This year was the first time opioids surpassed vehicle crashes as a leading cause of death. With the number of people addicted to opioids reaching an all-time high, it is important to stay vigilant and monitor what your children are doing. Here at Primo Prevention, we are dedicated to helping you prevent opioid abuse in teenagers.
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